What Kinds of Food Can You Eat on the Dash Diet?

The Dash diet doesn’t require you to limit yourself to boring cardboard like crackers or subsist on liquid shakes. The diet is an adaptable plan that you can tailor to your own food tastes and choices.

Because it is founded in solid nutritional understanding, you don’t have to worry that you will not be getting the proper nourishment for your body.

There is a wide variety of foods that are encouraged to eat on the Dash diet plan. Most of these foods are fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy foods, lean meats, nuts, seeds and legumes, and limited fats and sweets.

What most Americans do not realize is that fresh foods are extremely tasty. Once a person has been eating a cleaner, fresher diet for a few days, they will experience a sharp reduction in cravings for unhealthy, salty, sweet, and fatty foods.

The Dash diet works by requiring a person to eat a specific number of servings of different types of foods each day depending on the caloric intake that person requires.

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