Planning Mediterranean Diet Program

The Mediterranean Diet is meant to be simple, freeing and easily customizable. However, here are some tips to help you as you’re planning your own personal Mediterranean Diet program.

For the Overworked, Overstressed and Overscheduled

Even though the Mediterranean diet stresses sitting down and really enjoying your food, even when snacking, breakfast may be a difficult time for you to do that. However, using some shortcuts and compromises is far better than skipping the morning meal. There are some great smoothie and shake recipes later in the book that you can use to have a healthy meal while getting ready for work or getting the kids out the door.

If you’re running from the time you get up to the time you go to bed, invest in some of the pre-packaged snacks that work well with the Mediterranean diet, such as apples and yogurt, pre-cut veggies, fruit chunks or small packs of nuts and dried fruits. If you have time, spend an hour or so each week creating your own snack packs. You’ll have more variety, spend less money and will always have something to throw into your briefcase, purse or backpack.

For Those with Non-Dieting Family Members

One of the difficulties of dieting for many parents is that the rest of the family doesn’t want to diet with them. This leaves them having to choose between cooking a separate meal for themselves and blowing their diet at dinnertime. To help sidestep this issue, make lunch your main meal. This is actually the way most Mediterranean people eat, leaving dinner as a lighter meal.

By making lunch your main meal and having a healthful snack shortly before dinner, you can prepare vegetables and other sides for the family that are Mediterranean-friendly and skip any entrees that aren’t on your diet.