The Case against Calorie Counting

Before you bust a button, hear me out. Labels and machines both have their appropriate uses (the former for the simple knowledge of the vitamins, minerals, and ingredients in your food, the latter for getting people off their duffs and exercising). My beef with labels and machines is not what they do per se but the myth they perpetuate. Through their function, they feed into a way of thinking about weight loss that actually makes it harder to control weight. They’ve turned us into a community of heavies who worship at the altar of one seemingly omnipotent number: the calorie.

With every food you eat and with every workout you finish, you look at how many calories come in and how many calories go out. It’s the turnstile theory of weight loss: If you exercise away more than you take in, then you’ll lose weight. Experts tell us that a pound of fat contains roughly 3,500 calories, so if you simply delete 500 calories from your daily meals, increase your daily exercise by 500 calories, or some combination thereof, you’ll lose a pound of fat a week. That sounds great in theory, but in real life, the whole concept of calorie management is more likely to make you lose heart than lose weight. You hump it on the stairclimber for 30 minutes and sweat like a guest on The O’Reilly Factor. When you see the final readout—“Workout Completed; 300 Calories Burned!”—you feel like you’ve just chipped away at your belly and gotten closer to your goal. That is, until you reach for a midnight snack and see that a serving and a half of Raisin Bran also equals 300 calories. What took 30 minutes to burn takes 30 seconds to dust off during Leno. It’s a psychological diet killer.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with using nutritional labels to track what you eat or as a deterrent to stay away from highcalorie foods in the first place. And it can be helpful to use machine readouts to gauge the intensity of your exercise. But you will derail your weight loss efforts if you keep focusing on the number of calories you take in during meals and the number of calories you burn off during exercise. You need to focus, rather, on what is happening inside your body during the rest of your day— when you’re working, sleeping, making love, or just sitting still right now reading this book. Right this very instant, your body is either gaining fat or losing fat. The Abs Diet will train your body to lose fat while you’re sitting still, because the Abs Diet focuses on something other diet plans miss: your metabolism.