Juices and smoothies are two
extremely different animals, and
though both are amazingly good for
you, each has its own benefits. So
what’s the difference between
green juice and a green smoothie?
In a word: pulp.
Juice is made in a juicer, or by
blending the produce and extracting
the juice via cheesecloth or some
other method of straining. To make
a smoothie, just throw your produce
into the blender and blend it all
together until it reaches a drinkable
consistency. Juicing is a bit more of
an art form than making a
smoothie, but both have some basic
rules you’ll need to follow for
optimal results.
So what’s the nutritional
difference between a smoothie and
a juice? Again, the answer is in the
pulp. A juice without pulp has
practically no fiber, so the nutrients
are absorbed almost instantly. This
sounds like a good thing, and if
your body is used to it, it is.
However, if you’re new to juicing,
you may experience nausea,
headaches, diarrhea, or dizziness,
especially if you’re juice fasting and
not consuming any fiber at all.
Another issue to consider when
you’re deciding between juices or
smoothies is that the heat caused
by blenders and high-speed juicers
may damage the nutrients in the
produce and cause oxidation, killing
the beneficial live enzymes.
Whether to drink juices or
smoothies is just a matter of
personal choice and nutritional