What Type of Juicer Is Right for You?

Most of us have used a blender at some point in our lives, so purchasing one isn’t completely alien territory. When it comes to juicers, however, it’s like learning a whole new language. They often look awkward, and figuring out exactly what all of those pieces are for is an exercise in physics. Yet there’s no need to feel intimidated; we’re going to clear up any confusion and give you a preliminary sense of what to look for on your search.

Buying a juicer can be a major investment, so knowing the facts about the equipment prior to making your purchase is only smart. Each type of juicer is great at producing the juice for which it’s been specialized, but buying one that doesn’t meet your overall needs can be an expensive, messy mistake. Let’s break these down and discuss the pros and cons of each.

• Centrifugal Juicers are the least expensive juicers on the market and the type that most department stores carry. They extract your juice by shredding the produce and then using centrifugal force to spin the pulp against a strainer at extremely high RPMs. This is OK if you’re juicing soft produce, but these machines produce much more waste (wet pulp) than other types of juicers.
Pros: Speed and affordability.
Cons: Low efficiency (high waste); decreased shelf life, because the extraction process spins oxidizing air into the juice; and difficulty juicing grasses or leafy produce.

• Masticating Juicers extract juice by literally “chewing” the food using a single auger or gear and then separating the juice as it chews. This process results in more nutrients, fiber, and enzymes being extracted from the pulp because of the chewing action.
Pros: Greater efficiency, less air in the juice, more nutrients extracted from the produce, and less nutrients lost due to heat or oxidization, because it operates at a lower RPM than a centrifugal juicer. Also, masticating juicers often do a good job with leafy greens and grasses. Many masticating juicers also homogenize your produce, so you can make baby foods, ice cream, sauces, or nut butters.
Cons: Higher cost, larger size, and more noise. A masticating juicer also takes significantly more time than a centrifugal juicer does.

• Upright Masticating Juicers have all of the benefits of a typical, single-auger masticating juicer but are designed to operate in an upright position in order to be more space-efficient. There are also a couple of design differences. Instead of being chewed and extracted, the juice is squeezed out first, then the pulp is crushed and pressed again in a second phase to extract even more juice.
Pros: Higher juice yield and less waste, a smaller space requirement, and less waste due to heat or injected air. They can capably juice just about anything.
Cons: Significantly higher cost, and they’re often noisy.

• Triturating (Twin Gear) Juicers extract juice in much the same manner as a masticating juicer, except that they squeeze the pulp between two interlocking gears. Because they’re designed to be slow and powerful, these juicers crack the nutrients from the cells, so not only do you get a higher yield of juice, you get more nutrients, too. Triturating juicers are typically the most expensive juicer, but because you can do so many things with them and they produce so little waste, they’re worth it if you can swing the cost.
Pros: The higher juice/nutrient yield, less waste from either heat production or the extraction process, the ability to efficiently juice grasses and leaves, and the capability of the machine to homogenize in order to make baby foods, nut butters, ice creams, sorbets, and even pastas.
Cons: High cost, greater space requirements, and more time due to slower RPMs.

• Wheatgrass Juicers do exactly what the name implies: juice grasses. They aren’t designed to juice anything other than grasses, with the possible exception of a few small, soft fruits, such as grapes. These juicers come in both manual and electric styles.
Pros: The fact that you can get an efficient, affordable model if all you’re looking to do is make a nice green shot for health reasons or to add to a recipe.
Cons: It’s an expensive piece of equipment given its specialized, limited capabilities, and the fact that they’re often bulky. Especially considering that most decent juicers can handle leafy greens and grasses, this isn’t a necessary piece of equipment for green juicing anymore if you buy a suitable standard juicer.

• Hydraulic Press Juicers also known as Norwalk Juicers, extract juice in the most efficient way possible: they literally press it out. There’s no chewing or grinding of the produce, and there’s extremely little waste. Also, since it’s a simple pressing process, there’s no heat produced, or air forced into the juice. It’s far and away the best way to extract juice.
Pros: Practically no waste, no damage to the juice, and no air pressed in to cause oxidation.
Cons: Extremely expensive at around $2,500 and take up a large amount of space — great if you have the room and the money, but unrealistic for most of us.

Choosing the right juicer or blender is an important part of your experience, so educate yourself about your options and choose wisely. Because there are so many different brands, and people juice for so many reasons, it’s difficult to make specific product recommendations, so just pay attention to what the various machines offer and match those features to what you intend to use most.