Breakfast is an important meal. Research
suggests that people who eat breakfast
reach their dietary goals and manage
their weight better than do people who
don’t eat breakfast.
Even if you’re not
hungry, try to eat a little something in the
morning. Just as your body became
accustomed to not eating breakfast, it can
get used to eating it again.
A good
breakfast also helps keep you from
becoming ravenously hungry later in the
day, so you won’t eat as much. To eat a good breakfast, even if you’re
not hungry, try these tips
-Change gradually. Have breakfast on
two mornings at first, and three
mornings a little later. Your eventual
goal is to eat breakfast every day.
-If time is an issue, do some
preparation the evening before. Place
a box of cereal, a bowl and a spoon
on the table. Or have a breakfast
shake ready that comes in a can or
that you mix yourself.
-Keep on hand food that you can carry
with you to eat in the car, on the train
or bus, or at work. Convenient on the-
go foods include apples, bananas,
whole-grain bagels and low-fat yogurt
in single-serving containers.
-If you don’t like traditional breakfast
foods, fix a breakfast sandwich.