As of 2007 there are two types of grapefruit pills or capsules sold over the Internet, both claiming to help people lose weight.
The ‘‘grapefruit pectin diet tablets’’ are said to ‘‘help release fat deposits‘‘ that the dieter already carries on the stomach and hips. ‘‘They can also prevent new fat from penetrating the cells by redirecting it to the muscles where it is burned off, thereby eliminating fat deposits.’’
The pills contain 200 mg of grapefruit pectin, plus cellulose and fiber. Given the high fiber content of these pills, it is most likely that they simply speed up the dieter’s digestion and elimination.
The Grapefruit Solution Natural Diet, based on a book published in 2004, makes use of capsules that contain ‘‘pure, organic whole grapefruit. . . . Five years of study and research has gone into developing and perfecting the technique of taking whole grapefruit and converting it into concentrated power while retaining all the benefits of the entire grapefruit.’’
In addition to the capsules, however, this diet does emphasize the importance of exercise as well as a balanced diet of complex carbohydrates and protein foods.