There are reported to be over 300 known sy mptoms associated with celiac disease and
NCGS which adds to the difficulty in making an accurate diagnosis. For this reason, the
following list is not an exhaustive one and is intended to highlight some of the most
commonly experienced symptoms only.
-Abdominal cramping, bloating and gas
-Joint pain
-Muscle cramps
-Mood swings, depression, or irritability
-Foul smelling, fatty stools
-Dental disorders and mouth ulcers
-Bone disorders such as osteoporosis
-Tingling sensation in feet and hands
-Itchy skin rash
-Weight loss despite eating a plentiful diet
It is possible to have none of the above symptoms and have celiac disease! Some
sufferers have no outward or physical tell-tale signs but often report a feeling of
general fatigue and lethargy ... something they really only become aware of once
they remove gluten from their diet and experience a boost in their overall phy sical
and emotional health as a consequence.