Is Gluten-Free Good for Everyone?

Removing gluten from your diet can bring many health benefits and with famous names touting it as the reason for their trim figures and glowing skin, it’s no surprise that a gluten-free diet is now popularly believed to be a "healthy " diet. But is it?

A gluten-free diet is very often a diet low in fiber which can result in health issues such as constipation, irritable bowel, and colon cancer. Cereal grains are a good source of fiber so this means that their removal from y our diet must be balanced with the addition of other fiber sources such as vegetables and fruits to ensure a healthy diet.

Celebrity endorsement has undoubtedly led to a mistaken belief that a gluten-free diet is a weight-loss diet. While it’s true that removing foods containing gluten c an be beneficial in terms of losing unwanted weight, it must be noted that gluten-free does not automatically mean sugar or fat-free!

Healthy weight-loss can only happen when the number of daily calories consumed is less than the number of daily calories burned and many gluten-free products actually contain a higher sugar or fat content than the original products containing gluten. For this reason, a gluten-free diet alone is not always the best choice for those looking to lose weight.