This is a question put most frequently.
No one can answer it except yourself,
and that is best done by starting right out
on the diet. Try the Grape Diet for a week or two and
at the end of that time you will probably
know more about your condition than
you ever did before.
The average person has been taught to
regard every symptom of disease as an
evil to be suppressed immediately.
Nothing can be further from the truth.
The disease is evil certainly, but the
symptoms of disease are a curative
process—not to be suppressed. This we
find to be true under the fast and under
every natural system of healing, but
particularly so under the Grape Cure.
Abnormal growths, cancers, tumors,
ulcers, abscesses, and fibrous masses
seem to be dissolved by the powerful
chemical agents in the grape. Diseased
tissues and fatty degeneration, every
form of morbid matter, is apparently
broken up into minute particles and
thrown into the bloodstream to be
carried to the organs of excretion. No
wonder, then, that complications arise.
To the inexperienced person, it is
disconcerting to find new symptoms of
disease developing under the Grape
He needs someone with
experience to explain to him that
poisons, which have been locked up in
the system for many years, have broken
loose and are running riot in the blood.
Hence, that unusual rise of temperature,
that eruption on the skin, those splitting
headaches, those attacks of retching and
purging, that discharge of mucus, that
undue sweating. The anxious mind of the
patient should be set at rest by the
assurance that all these are highly
favorable symptoms of the process of
purification being carried on internally
—proof positive that he is still vital
enough to respond to the treatment .
The avenues of excretion—the bowels,
kidneys, lungs, and skin—are still in
good working order. Let him then
closely examine the stools, the urine, the
perspiration, and let him rejoice with the
appearance of every new evidence that
nature is still able to cast out the poisons
that have been dislodged by the magical
action of the grape. Pains and ailments
are all a sign that nature is at work,
purifying the body.
The patient should remember that
every new ache and pain under the
Grape Cure is an expression of life, of
renewed activity. Nerves that have been
atrophied for years have been stimulated
by the grape.
Physical pain is Mother Nature’s own
voice warning us of danger. She speaks
through the nerves, those delicate,
watchful, and intelligent protectors of
the human body.
So much depends upon his mental
attitude that everything should be done to
enlighten the patient on this most
important aspect of the diet.
A volume could be dedicated to the
remarkable effect of the grape upon the
nervous system.