The Grape Diet Cure Duration

It has come to my attention that many patients overdo the exclusive grape diet. They seem to think they must continue the grape diet until the growth or other disorder has disappeared completely.

Experience teaches that scars caused by a malignant growth remain in the tissues long after the Grape Cure has done its work. Only time will show whether they will ever be entirely eradicated. The same is true of any injury done to the body through burns, cuts, fractures, etc. When the grape has purified the blood of cancer poison, the general condition of the patient steadily improves in spite of the presence of lumps, scars, or other evidence of the injury done by the growth.

In my own case, while the poisons of the cancer have been eliminated and the cancer has disappeared, physical examinations by medical men disclose that there are numerous adhesions as a result of the malignant growth. One doctor advances the opinion that it will take at least seven years for these adhesions to break up. It is useless, therefore, to continue the grape diet in the hope of completely eradicating the growth within a few weeks, or even a few months.

This treatment is slow, requiring patience and perseverance, but the patient is improving all the time, frequently able to go about his daily duties. One cannot expect to rid oneself within a few weeks of poisons that one has been storing up one’s entire life.

Many patients who are employed and do not wish to become too greatly weakened take the exclusive grape diet for, say, two or three weeks; then they go on to the third and fourth stages for equal periods. If, at the end of that time, they feel that the poisons have not all been eliminated, they repeat the treatment. In that way, they are able to continue their employment.

The condition of each case should be watched carefully and judgment exercised. It is obviously impossible to give a set of rules that can be followed in each case.

The grape contains many of the elements necessary to sustain life and health, but it does not contain everything. To continue the grape diet beyond a reasonable time would be to therefore deprive the system of the nourishment necessary for the maintenance of the body.

Source : The Detox Mono Diet - Christopher Vasey, N.D