It is widely known that you will healthy, lose
weight faster, feel full longer, have more
energy and keep your blood sugar steady
if you eat several small meals a day,
rather than two or three large ones.
When you skip meals, your blood sugar
and energy levels plummet, your body
screams for fuel and you end up eating a
lot more than you should, usually of
something you shouldn’t be eating at all.
On the Mediterranean Diet, especially if
your goal is to lose weight, you want to
eat at least every two hours. This
doesn’t mean a full three-course dinner
or even a full plate every two hours.
What you need is a healthy meal, mini meal
or snack every two to three hours.
This could be a stick of mozzarella
cheese and a pear, a smoothie, or your
evening meal.
The best way to ensure that you eat well
and often enough is to make good
choices accessible. Spend a few minutes
making a huge fruit salad of melon,
strawberries, kiwi, grapes and apple and
you’ll have a cup or container of
delicious fruit anytime you need it during
the week.
Slice up a container of your favorite
vegetables, make small bags of nuts and
dried fruits to take to work and keep
your blender out on the counter for
whipping up quick shakes and
The easier it is to grab a quick mini meal
or snack, the more likely you are to
keep your hunger at bay, no matter where
you are or what time it is.