Healthy Eating Tips For Weight Loss

The Mediterranean way of eating includes snacks made up of two or three simple, fresh foods and meals that take place over several small courses. In America, we think of a meal as a heaping plate filled with everything that’s on the table. In the Mediterranean, people enjoy one part of the meal at a time.

They may start with a small plate of green salad or roasted peppers, savor a small bowl of delicious soup, move on to a delectable filet of fish on a bed of rice, then enjoy some cheese and fruit for dessert. This way of eating is all about enjoying each portion of the meal for what it is, rather than lumping everything together and rushing through it.

The terrific bonus to this way of eating is that you end up eating a lot less, while enjoying it more. It takes approximately twenty minutes for your stomach to signal that it’s full. In that time, most Americans will have already eaten way more than they should. By the time their stomachs notice they’re eating, they’ve already overeaten.

If you change your pattern to eating smaller portions, in a course-by-course meal, you’ll already be starting to feel satisfied before you’ve gotten to the main part of your meal. Therefore, you’ll usually eat far less than you were before.

At first, try focusing on your portions and the time you take to eat, rather than looking at how many calories you’re taking in. After a week or so, if your weight loss isn’t as fast as you’d like it to be, go ahead and follow our guidelines for speeding up your weight loss by taking in fewer calories and burning more.