Success Dieting Tips

On the following pages, we’ve provided some overall guidelines to planning your diet for weight loss, some great tips to ensure weight loss success, and a good deal of helpful information about getting quick results without feeling hungry, deprived or stressed out.

Set Yourself Up to Do

Well Make a copy of the foods list and the food pyramid that appearsin this blog and stick it on your fridge. It’ll help you plan your shopping and your meals and snacks, without having to look everything up each time.

Before you get started on your diet, go through your pantry, fridge and cupboards and get rid of any landmines that are hiding there. If you live alone or with a spouse that will also be on the diet, that makes it easier; just give away or throw away anything that’s not allowable, such as margarine, donuts, frozen French fries, etc. If you have a family that will not be following the diet, designate a certain cupboard and a particular refrigerator shelf for forbidden foods and stay away from it.

Try Something New at Least Once a Week

If you’ve never been much of a vegetable eater, you may be tempted to stick to the broccoli, carrots and green beans you usually eat. If fish has never featured prominently in your diet, you may get stuck looking for new ways to eat tuna. Don’t limit yourself to the things you’ve always eaten. The Mediterranean people have a huge taste for adventure and discovery that extends to their diets. You should, too.

At least once a week, try a food you’ve never eaten. You might hate it, but more times than not, you’ll find yourself enjoying something new and exotic (at least, exotic to you). This can really liven up your diet, make shopping more fun and help you to prevent getting bored with your diet. The foods allowed on the Mediterranean Diet are so vast and varied, there’s simply no excuse for being bored.

So, try a slice of papaya, some ratatouille, or broiled flounder. You never know, you just might love it and you have nothing to lose if you don’t.