How you Can Prevent Omega-6 Fats from Inflammation

Most diets are very high in the omega-6 fats and low in omega-3 fats. Research supports that an approximate ratio of 2:1 for omega-6/omega-3 fats may substantially lower inflammation levels. Additionally, research demonstrates that individuals whose diets include higher ratios of omega-3 fats have lower inflammatory levels.

The majority of omega-6 fats are found in grains, baked products, candy, and snack foods. Where do all these omega-6 fats come from? The majority of omega-6 fats in people’s diets come from baked goods, grains, snack foods and candy. Soy bean oil, a product found in most processed foods, my account for as much as 20% of the calorie intake in the average American diet!

Checking labels and limiting these items will also help lower the intake of omega-6. Simply by reducing the consumption of omega-6 fats we boost our body ’s immunities by increasing the production of anti-inflammatory cells. Once again...check those labels!

In order to increase your energy, concentrate on eating foods that are low in the omega-6 fats. Healthy vegetables and fruits, in addition to gluten-free products, may potentially increase your stamina while warding off inflammation that may lead to allergic reactions, illness, and disease.