An inadequate immune
system is less able to fight off the invasion of a variety of unwanted attackers. Such an imbalance, where unwanted invasion remains unchecked, can lead to chronic
inflammation and disease as well as other autoimmune reactions.
An anti-Inflammation diet helps to prevent such an imbalance and sets up the system for
healing and optimal health. Research and firsthand experience have demonstrated many
advantages to the body that an anti-inflammation diet provides.
The anti-inflammatory diet is
beneficial in that it helps avoid many of the foods that set up allergic reactions within the body. It
also prevents many unwanted agents from finding their way into our systems.
chemicals, hormones, and antibiotic deposits are warded off by a healthy immune system. An
anti-inflammatory diet is beneficial in that it includes whole, natural foods. Foods that are highly
processed are eliminated or kept to a minimum. While healthy foods, high in beneficial nutrients,
are added to our system.
An anti-inflammation diet facilitates digestion and causes less damage to the body. A
circulatory /digestive sy stem that receives a proper balance of nutrients does not have to process
difficult to digest foods. It is freed up to metabolize foods that ensure optimal health.