Lowering Stress to Burn Body Fat

You’ve probably been hearing about the connection between stress, the stress hormone cortisol and belly fat. There is plenty of well-respected research that shows that even the stress of daily life can stimulate the release of cortisol into your bloodstream and that cortisol’s main directive is to store belly fat. This natural response to stress may have been useful back when you might be running from a stampede of mastodon, but now….not so much.

This connection between stress and belly fat may be part of the reason that the people of the Mediterranean have fewer issues with obesity and abdominal fat. The people of this region not only eat more healthfully; they live more healthfully when it comes to stress. Their lives are generally not as hurried, their days not as full.

Here are a number of things you can do to reduce the effects of stress on your body and reduce the amount of cortisol released into your bloodstream.

-Get adequate sleep.
Studies have shown that people who sleep less than six hours a night have significantly higher blood cortisol levels and abdominal fat.

-Spend at least fifteen minutes a day doing something just for you.
That could mean a walk in the garden, a bubble bath or relaxing with a soothing CD.

Do it often and do it for real. If you need help, rent a comedy video or call your wittiest friend.

-Take Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is depleted constantly, especially by stress. This enormously important vitamin is essential for cellbuilding and it also stimulates the production of carnitine, which is used to transport stored fat to where it can be metabolized.

In other words, once you reduce stress to reduce cortisol, the carnitine will take that belly fat you don’t need any more to where it can be used for energy. Talk about a winwin.