Your body only requires nutrients in certain amounts. It does not recognise
where those nutrients come from. Remember that people in other
countries eat food very different from our own, food that will never pass
our lips, and yet they still manage to thrive and lose weight. People get very
hung up on the idea that they cannot lose weight because they hate fish or
fruit or cottage cheese.
This is nonsense. All that matters is that the body
gets enough proteins, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, from
whatever sources, along with fibre and fluids for inner cleanliness.Whether
you get your starch from a cassava plant or a potato is neither here nor
there. So on these diets you have a balance of foods that provide what
you need, and if there is a deficiency I recommend a supplement.
Here are the basic nutrients we all need for a good diet. I have included
all these nutrients in your Crash Diets, so your health will not suffer even
though calories are reduced.
The body relies on carbohydrates for quick energy. I must emphasise that
carbohydrates aren’t essential to the functioning of the body, they are
simply very good at providing quick, efficient energy mostly because of the
economic way they use oxygen for their metabolism. Excess carbohydrates
are converted to fats to be distributed round the body as storage for leaner
The crash diets contain carbohydrates in the form of fruit, milk, yoghurt and
Fats provide two and a half times the energy of carbohydrates but
their energy can’t be metabolised quickly. Fats are essential to the body,
but because of their high calorie content, they must be eaten sparingly.
As always, too many calories will turn to fat and unlike muscle, fat is dead
weight.These diets contain fats in their main ingredients nuts, eggs and milk.
You would not die if you did not eat carbohydrates, but you would die
without protein. Proteins are essential because they build cells and repair
our bodies.All these crash diets contain plentiful protein so whichever diet
you choose you will have the right amount your body needs for health,
maintenance and repair.