Anti-Inflammatory Diet Principles

The principles of the anti-inflammatory and gluten free diet are built on a foundation that calls for reducing exposure to toxic substances while basing a daily diet on proper nutrition.

The earlier we promote the principles of a healthy lifestyle, the more likely we are to live vigorous lives and avoid chronic illness in the future.

Our health is affected by the choices we make now, choices that can potentially impact us in years to come. As our children grow, their bodily systems are developing in countless ways.

Their brain, immune, and sensitive nervous system continues to develop into young adulthood. The best way to enhance this process is through proper nutrition and lifestyle choices.

In addition to a focus on a healthy life, it is my strong belief that we must foster emotional health in our children. As healthy adults, we show our children our love and belief in them through our actions and our words.

I want to point out that mild illnesses in children often helps to build a stronger immune system. Just as our children develop, their ability to ward off infection is also increasing.

Their immune system is "practicing" and developing. If we attempt to suppress the immune system through the use of unnecessary suppressants, we are influencing the body’s natural ability to ward off potential threats.

We need to strive to set up a natural balance, one that is assisted by a healthy diet that naturally aides the body’s immunities.