Why You Couldn’t Lose Weight

Here's a typical diet scenario: You nibble on a piece of toast for breakfast and a sack of baby carrots for lunch, and you figure that puts you well ahead of the calorie-counting game. By dinner, though, you’ve got so many onion rings jammed into your mouth that you look like Dizzy Gillespie. If you’re so restricted in what you can eat, you’ll eventually act like a rebellious teen and break the rules. While most diets say “no” more than your boss at review time, the Abs Diet gives you options. Most diets are about restricting. This one is about fueling.

For years—or maybe for all your life—you’ve probably had one notion about what dieting needs to be. Restrict your foods, eat like a supermodel, sweat on the treadmill, and you’ll lose fat. In reality, those could be the very reasons why you couldn’t lose weight. It’s why you gained back what you lost. It’s the reason why your speedboat metabolism may have geared down to that of an anchored barge. It’s why you don’t see much progress when you try new weight-loss programs. And it’s why the only real recipe many diet plans offer is a recipe for pecan-encrusted failure.

What the Abs Diet will do is reprogram your circuitry. You’ll stop thinking about every calorie and start thinking about how best to burn calories. Once you master that, your body will be equipped with all the tools it needs to strip away fat—and show off your abs.